Botanical garden

Botanical garden, which was created in 1992, became the real decoration of buildings in 4, Blukhera Str.  Botanical GardenofNUPhwas not only the basis of educational and industrial training of students in botany and pharmacognosy but also a part of the landscape design of surrounding areas and aesthetic finishing of the  area.

The botanical garden covers an area of 7.76 hectares. Currently the largest area of the botanical garden is the arboretum, which has more than 1,600 specimens of trees, about 900 bushes and 200 species of herbaceous plants belonging to 30 families. The basis of planning arboretum made landscape-paysage principle.

         The main purpose of the botanical garden establishing was to create a base for having education  practice classes without traveling out of Kharkiv region. Thus, there were laid  sectors of  Pharmacognosy with the area of 0.5 ha and 0.56 ha sectors for  taxonomy.

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