On November 26, 2013 at 14.00 in the lecture hall №3 of Chemical Technological building of the National University of Pharmacy (4 Blukhera str.) will take place festivities on the occasion of the 90th anniversary of professor D.P. Salo

One of the peculiarities of national universities is a tradition to honor the memory of eminent personalities who have made significant contributions to the development of branch science and education.

On November 26, will be 90 years from the date of birth of the KhPhI Rector in 1971-1980, professor Dmitriy Pavlovich Salo – enthusiast of pharmaceutical science and higher education institutions, significant personality in the history of pharmacy of Ukraine.

Intensive administrative, scientific, social and educational activity of professor D.P. Salo was always focused on development of pharmaceutical industry. Dmitriy Pavlovich has made monumental efforts to uplift the image and prestige of Pharmacy. With his interior energy, integrity, commitment to principles, he has mobilized the pharmacy community of Ukraine fulfil the tasks that the industry was facing. Due to the extraordinary organizational skills and wisdom of talented administrator, Dmitriy Pavlovich confirmed the role of pharmacists and pharmacy in society and healthcare system.

Activity of D.P. Salo is a difficult path of reforming and improvement of the system of professional training of pharmacists. Years of inspired work, experiments in the laboratories, teaching activities, and implementation of scientific and educational innovations have crystallized into talented scientific and pedagogical work of Dmitriy Pavlovich. Under the direction of the rector prof. D.P. Salo Kharkov Pharmaceutical Institute has become a leading institution of personnel training not only in the former Soviet republics, but also in the countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America. Paying exceptional attention to the quality of training of industry professionals, professor D.P. Salo brought KhPhI to a new level of development and brought up a pleiad of eminent scientists.

Love for life, love for profession defined the outlook of Dmitriy Pavlovich Salo. That is why in the memory of his contemporaries, students and colleagues his image is associated with the example of selfless service to science, an example through which was brought up more than one generation of pharmacists.

 On the occasion of the 90th anniversary of Doctor of Science in Pharmacy, Rector of Kharkov Pharmaceutical Institute in 1971-1980, professor Dmitri Pavlovich Salo National University of Pharmacy conducts extended solemn meeting of the Academic Council, to participate in which are invited students, faculty members of the NUPh, colleagues and companions, students of D.P. Salo.

In the framework of the preparation for the anniversary, continues filming of the video about the life and scientific path of professor D.P. Salo, was prepared to publishing a book with dedication to D.P. Salo, edited by professor S.M. Drogovoz “Chronopharmacology demonstrably”. By the long-term tradition to plant plants in the Botanical Garden of the NUPh to mark significant events, on the eve of the Academic Council meeting in November its collection will be replenished with spruces.

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