September 7, 2012, following NUPh publications came out:

Зупанець І. А., Попов С. Б., Рудик Ю. С., Грінцов Є. Ф., Безугла Н. П., Шебеко С. К., Пропіснова В. В., Місюрьова С. В., Сахарова Т. С., Мороз В. А., Тарасенко О. О., Зімін С. М., Отрішко І. А., Ткаченко К. М., Андрєєва О. О., Семенов А. М., Зупанець К. О., Жулай Т. С., Грінцова О. Є., Герасименко О. В., Ліщишина О. М.

Fundamentals of clinical medicine: symptoms and syndromes in the pharmacy practice : manual for students of pharmaceutical higher schools and pharmaceutical faculties of medical higher school of the IV-th accreditation level; Основи клінічної медицини: симптоми та синдроми в практичній фармації

The manual contains information about the etiology, pathogenesis, clinical manifestations and treatment approaches for major diseases of internal organs provided in the form of block diagrams, which allows to learn the material both logically and with the use of visual images.

The manual corresponds to the curriculum of the academic discipline approved by the Ministry of Education and Science, Youth and Sport of Ukraine and can be used by students of specialties 7.12020101, 8.12020101 «Pharmacy» and 7.12020102, 8.12020102 «Clinical Pharmacy», as well as by students of Medical Universities and pharmaceutical faculties. The manual can be used to study the disciplines of «Clinical Pharmacy», «Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Care», «Fundamentals of Clinical Medicine». It is also recommended for students of the postgraduate institute (faculties) of pharmacists, workers of practical pharmacy and medicine (family doctors).

Дроговоз С. М., Куценко Т. О., Позднякова А. Ю., Уланова В. А., Кононенко А. В.

Pharmacology : summary of lectures on special pharmacology. Part 2; Фармакологія: конспект лекцій зі спеціальної фармакології. Ч. 2

This issue is a brief summary of lectures on special pharmacology for foreign students. Using this logically structured information a future pharmacist will be able to solve the professional tasks.

This edition is recommended for students of universities and departments of pharmacy.

Дроговоз С. М., Куценко Т. О., Позднякова А. Ю., Уланова В. А., Кононенко А. В.

Pharmacology : manual for practice on special pharmacology. Part 2; Фармакологія : Керівництво для практичних занять зі спеціальної фармакології. Ч. 2

This issue is the manual on pharmacology for students’ practical training.

This manual will assist for mastering the subject and developing pharmacological logic.

This edition is recommended for students of universities and departments of pharmacy.

Яковлєва Л. В., Міщенко О. Я.

Pharmacoeconomics : Manual for students of higher schools; Фармакоекономіка : Навчальний посібник для студентів вищих навчальних закладів

The manual is intended for individual and out-of-class preparation for practical classes, credits, examination and for work in class while studying of Pharmacoeconomics discipline. In the edition at modern level the basic principles of pharmacoeconomics, fundamentals of pharmacoepidemiology and pharmacoinformatics, which are necessary to know for pharmacoeconomic evaluation, are presented.

The manual is recommended for students of pharmaceutical higher schools and pharmaceutical faculties of higher educational institutions of the III–IV accreditation levels.

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