Organization of practical training for foreign students in the National University of Pharmacy

Head of practical training department: Oksana Y. Barkovska , tel./fax: 778-67-61

Address: Kharkiv, 4 Valentynivska Str. (2nd floor of technological building)

Responsible for organization of practical training for students of foreign students’ education faculty:  Tamara A. Tairova, tel.: 778-67-62

Manufacturing practical training is one of the modes of study, indispensable part of specialist training, aimed at reinforcement and extension of knowledge, gained in the process of education, training skills in manufacturing environment. Practical training takes place 26 weeks.
According to content and purpose, practical training is divided into educational and manufacturing:

  •          During junior years students complete educational practical training, become acquainted with peculiarities of future profession, various types of practical activity, and obtain primary professional skills in manufacturing environment.
  •          During the 5th year upon completing theoretical part of corresponding discipline, the manufacturing practical training is carried out; during which students familiarize themselves with manufacture and, depending on the type of practical training, study technology, economics, organization and management of production, equipment, measures for production quality improvement, and work as technicians on the workplace under direct supervision of training place technicians.

Following departments are involved in practical training organization: botany, pharmacotherapy, pharmacognosy, industrial technology of drugs, pharmaceutical technology of drugs, organization and economics of pharmacy, pharmaceutical chemistry, management and marketing in pharmacy, clinical pharmacology with pharmaceutical care. Practical training is carried out on training places that provide fulfillment of training programme and can be situated either inpartner countries or in Ukraine. Students have the right to find training place independently with assent of corresponding departments, practical training department and dean’s office. A contract for practical training is drawn up between practical training department and training places (enterprises, companies, organizations of any form of ownership). Term of contract is agreed between the contracting parties and can be specified for the period of definite type of practical training or up to three years. During five years of study, students familiarize themselves with the work of pharmacies, pharmacy depots, drug quality control laboratories, hospitals, chemical and pharmaceutical plants as well as obtain practical skills of provision, storage and processing of drug raw materials, gain experience of medicinal herbs cultivation. General organization of educational and manufacturing practical training is conducted by practical training department, a structural subdivision of National University of Pharmacy.  The work of the department is determined by Regulations on practical training in National University of Pharmacy.

All information about practices available at the department of practice



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