Сenter of information technologies (CIT)

Director of the center of the NFAU information technologies

Pulyaev Denis Sergeyevich, candidate of pharmaceutical sciences, associate professor

Address:. Kharkiv, Pushkinskaya St., 53

Ph.: (057) 706-35-80

E-mail: compcenter@nuph.edu.ua

The main objective of the center of information technologies (CIT) is development and providing an appropriate condition of IT of infrastructure of the University.

CIT is responsible for technical maintenance and information technology development which provide access to modern sources of information and allow to use the modern computer, telecommunication and multimedia equipment in educational process and in activity of all divisions of the university and also is responsible for automation of work of mutually connected administrative processes and objects for ensuring educational and administrative processes at the university.

Structure of CIT:

  • department of maintenance of the computer equipment;
  • department of maintenance of the multimedia and telecommunication equipment;
  • department of development and maintenance of the integrated automated control systems.

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