Address: 61002, 53 Pushkinska str., Kharkiv, Ukraine
Head of the Academic Council:
Chernykh Valentyn Petrovych, academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor, Laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine in Science and Technology, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine, Honoured Inventor of Ukraine, Chevalier of the Order of Merit, Chevalier of the Order of Prince Yaroslav the Wise of V and VI degrees, Honorary citizen of Kharkiv
Deputy Head of the Academic Council:
Kotvitska Alla Anatoliivna, Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine
Secretary of the Academic Council:
Kononenko Nadiia Mikolaivna, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Pathological Physiology.
Tel.: (057) 706-30-65
Tel: (057) 706 30 65