Congratulations to the Kharkiv Mayor’s Scholarships for the Gifted!

On December 9, 2024, a solemn awarding ceremony for young people with the Kharkiv Mayor’s Scholarships for the Gifted took place, among which are students of the National University of Pharmacy.

The Kharkiv Mayor’s Scholarship for the Gifted was introduced to support gifted children and youth and is aimed at stimulating the achievement of high results in education, physical culture and sports, creative achievements in scientific research, literature and art.

Mayor Igor Terekhov presented certificates of appreciation and laptops to the most talented young scientists.

40 students from 22 higher education institutions of the III-IV accreditation levels in Kharkiv were granted with Kharkiv Mayor’s Scholarships for the Gifted.

Among them are students of the National University of Pharmacy:

Anastasia RYZHUK, 4th year student of group Fm21(4,10d)-01 of the Faculty of Pharmacy,

Evgenia KOMISAROVA, 3rd year student of group LDb22(3,10d)-01 of the Faculty of Medical and Pharmaceutical Technologies.

Anastasia and Evgenia are not only excellent students but also active participants in university life. They participate in the Student Government and in the work of the Student Scientific Society of the National University of Pharmacy.

We are proud of the talented youth of our University!

You are our future, which already today inspires great achievements!

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