Address: 61002, 53 Pushkinska str., Kharkiv
Tel./fax: (057) 706-30-71
Head of the Department:
Kaida Alina Oleksandrivna
The Department of Innovation Management is a structural subdivision of the National University of Pharmacy, which provides management and coordination of research work at the University.
Directions of activities
- Scientific and organizational activities (control and coordination of research activities of the University).
- Metrological support of educational and scientific processes (coordination of activities related to the uniformity of measurements and the implementation of metrological control and supervision).
- Information support of scientific and scientific-technical activities (preparation of basic means of scientific communication for the implementation of innovative technologies in pharmacy and medicine).
A list of scientific (scientific and technical) products intended to introduce the achievements of medical science into the healthcare sphere of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine is the main document regulating the process of introduction of medical and pharmaceutical science into healthcare practice. The last list includes 44 scientific reports from the NUPh. In 2017, 29 applications were prepared and filed for inclusion in the list.
- Patent and information activities (work related to intellectual property issues).
The number of intellectual property objects is an important indicator of innovation activity, as well as the result of research and developments. To date, the University has accumulated a significant potential of intellectual property:
987 – invention patents and utility model patents;
101 – copyright certificates;
6 – signs of goods and services.
One of the main indicators of inventive activity is the number of applications for. In 2017, the NUPh employees submitted 54 applications to the State Enterprise “Ukrainian Institute of Intellectual Property” for the purpose of obtaining Ukrainian patents, and 50 invention patents and utility model patents of Ukraine were received.
15 applications were submitted to the State Intellectual Property Service of Ukraine and 28 copyright registration certificates for works were received.
One of the most important means of scientific communication today is methodical recommendations and information letters. Scientists of the NUPh were prepared and submitted 18 methodological recommendations to the Ukrainian Center for Scientific and Health Information and Patent Licensing Works (Ukrmedpatentinform), 15 of them were published. 25 newsletters were prepared and submitted to the Ukrmmedpatentinform, 23 of them were published.
Information links
- Provision on the Department of Innovation Management
- Law of Ukraine “On innovation activity”
- Law of Ukraine “On priority directions of science and technology”
- Law of Ukraine “On metrology and metrological activity”
- GOST 3008-95 “Documentation. Reporting in Science and Technology”
- GOST 3575-97 “Patent research. The main provisions and procedures”
- List of international databases of industrial property, to which a free access in the Internet is given
- List of scientific and technical databases and reference resources, to which a free access in the Internet is given