Address: 61002, 53 Pushkinska str., Kharkiv, Ukraine
Tel.: +38 (057) 706-15-92, (057) 706-21-84
Dean of the Faculty:
Zhyvora Natalia Vasylivna Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences (PhD), Associate Professor
Deputies of the dean:
Kalyuzhnaya Olga Sergeevna,
Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Biotechnology Department. Responsible for the organization and control of the educational process of the students of the faculty. Educational program biotechnology, technology farm. Preparations.
Strupchuk Svetlana Ivanovna,
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Senior Lecturer of Management and Administration Department. Responsible for the organization and control of the educational process of the students of the faculty. Educational program of economic direction.
Shkapo Anton Igorevich,
assistant of the Biochemistry Department. Responsible for the organization and educational process control of the faculty students. Educational program pharmacy.
Departments of the Pharmaceutical faculty:
- Biotechnology
- Organization and Economics of Pharmacy
- Management nd Quality Assurance in Pharmacy
- Technologies of Pharmaceutical Preparations
Educational programs:
- Pharmacy
- Technologies of pharmaceutical preparations
- Biotechnology
- Industrial biotechnology
- Marketing
- Health care and pharmaceutical business management
- Quality, standardization and certification