In 1920s everyone felt hard aftereffects of severe political cataclysms: ruin, famine and diseases reigned. So, it is no wonder that new authority considered the necessity to restore and strengthen the system of medical support of the citizens as a first- priority mission. It was obvious that to accomplish this mission they could only if they’d provided qualified training and obtained skilled personnel.

High skilled pharmacists of pharmaceutical field; In 1921, the first Pharmaceutical Institute inUkrainewas opened in the capital city ofKharkivaccording to decree of People Comissariat of health protection ofUkraineand Central science department. Training course lasted for three years for students and four years for analytics and chemical and pharmaceutical industry manufacturers specialization. The institute trained:
Specialists in nutritional and taste properties of substances, household articles and specialists in forensic analysis;
Chemistry and pharmaceutical industry workers.
Organizational bureau of the pharmaceutical institute was formed and acting during first months, M. O. Valyashko, A. D. Rosenfeld, L. Y. Rosenfeld, Y. M. Zilber, M. A. Tilman, M. P. Krasovskyi, P. I. Chejshvili within it. The first rector of the institute was M.O. Valyashko, M. A. Tilman was its first politcommissar, M. P. Krasovskyi was assigned the dean of the only Department.
During the first years the Institute existed 154 applications were submitted. 93 persons were accepted after successfully passed colloquium; moreover, 67 of them have already had experience of working in pharmacy. Listeners of former pharmaceutical courses and those who had sufficient grounding in pharmacy but didn’t pass examinations in dispensing chemist were accepted as students of the second and third years. The whole number of accepted on the second and third year students was 42.
Arrangement of Kharkiv Pharmaceutical Institute had become a standard for opened pharmaceutical institutes in Kyiv, Vinnytsia and Dnipropetrovsk as well. In Lviv, pharmaceutical department of medical faculty ofLvivUniversitywas transformed into pharmaceutical faculty of Lviv medical institute after reunion of western regions ofUkraineand Ukrainian SSR.