Initiation of higher pharmaceutical education in Kharkiv lands goes back to 1805 whenKharkiv EmperorUniversitywas founded. This year, Kharkiv academic Council of medical faculty gets the right to carry out experiments to get pharmaceutical title and gesel (pharmacist’s assistant), pharmacist and chemist degree according to these experiments’ results. In 1812, on the basis of the University’s chemical laboratory, the new pharmaceutical laboratory was opened, thus students and those who have been preparing for examinations to get a pharmaceutical degree had an opportunity to obtain trainings in pharmacy, pharmacognosy, forensic medicine analysis and physiological chemistry.
During 1812-1815, the founder of the laboratory M. P. Bolgarevskyi, was at the head of it. He was one of the best young scientists of the University and gave lectures in Pharmacy. In 1813 more than 100 karbovanets (the official currency of that time) were spent on purchasing of manifold instruments and manuals for the laboratory. The laboratory was accepting sponsors’ presents; for instance, in 1814, an iron reverberating furnace was ordered. The laboratory accepted crystal and glass utensil intended for experiments total cost of which was 63 karbovanets in silver from Maltsov an honorable supervisor of schools inBryanskdistrict. Professor Y. S. Gordienko had made a considerable contribution into the laboratory’s development having bought an expensive equipment.
In 1837 according to the statute of Kharkiv University the Department of Medical Substance, Pharmacy and Medical Terminology was founded (later in 1859 it was divided into Pharmacy and Pharmacognosy Department and Pharmacology Department).
Since 1860, there were actively given trainings in mineral and organic substances analysis, pharmaceutical chemistry in the laboratory and were carried out toxicological researches. Since 1865, the laboratory was used for physiological chemistry tuition to medical students. Some of them were carrying out scientific researches in forensic chemistry field under their teachers’ guidance.
Since the middle of 1880s there were regularly given trainings in Pharmacy and Pharmacognosy for students of Medicine Department in the laboratory. The program of practical trainings for pharmacists, who attended lectures in order to receive a druggist status, was significantly improved.
In 1903 the pharmaceutical laboratory had its own library, which numbered 346 books, 1029 various instruments, herbarium, pharmacognostical collection, four collections of microscopic preparations, two mineralogical collections and two collections of pharmaceutical preparations. In 1908, the property of the laboratory was estimated at 11.269 karbovanets.