Alergin Alerginum
Alergin is used in complex therapy in treating of allergic diseases – urticaria fever, allergic conjunctivitis, derrnatosis, allergic rhinitis.
Аpi-art Api-art
(Gel of external use)
Api-art is used for treatment of diseases of locomotor apparatus, which can be manifested with signs of inflammatory, edema and pain (arthritis, arthrosis).
Apy-derma APY-Derma
(Homeopathic ointment)
Apy-derma is used in the therapy for the external treatment of atopic dermatitis.
Apimel Apimelum
Apimel is used in the therapy of stress, increased physical activity, in remission
after severe diseases.
Apitar Apitarum
Apitar is used in the therapy of stress, increased physical activity, in remission after
severe diseases.
Apiven Apivenum
Tablets “Apiven” for electrophoresis are intended for treatment of thrombosis, thrombophlebitis, blood lakes, used for prevention of complications for patients of immobilization as antithrombotic, anticoagulative medicine; blocks of thrombin synthesis; hasten of regeneration activity and renders anti-inflammatory, anti-microbic activity.
Cyclamin Cyclamin
(mother tincture)
Homoeopathic mother tincture is used for preparation of different homoeopathic medicinal form.
Cyclorhin Cyclorhin
(homoeopathic granules)
Cyclorhin is used in complex therapy for prevention and treatment of rhino-allergies.
Enterosil Enterosilum
Enterosil is used for prevention and treatment of diarrhea of different genesis.
Medicine is applied in complex therapy for prevention and treatment of tuberculosis for adults and children, both independently and in a complex with other antiphthisic medicines, and also in the composition of combined medicines. A tincture can be applied with the purpose of reduction of complications at the vaccination of BCG vaccines.
Loravit Loravitum
Loravit is used in therapy for treatment of allergic diseases at children, allergic dermatitis, atopic dermatitis, allergic conjunctivitis.
Lyophilized powder of artichoke
Lyophilized powder of artichoke is used as a biological active substance in technology of medicinal forms by manufacture and chemist’s conditions.
Lyophilized powder of black chokeberry
Lyophilized powder of black chokeberry is used as a biological active substance in technology of medicinal forms by manufacture and chemist’s conditions.
Lyophilized powder of melon
Lyophilized powder of melon is used as a biological active substance in technology of medicinal forms by manufacture and chemist’s conditions.
Liproprost Liproprostum
Medicine is used in complex therapy of inflammation of the prostate (prostatitis), and inflammation of the rectum (proctitis, paraproctitis, fractures, hemorrhoids).
Medicine is intended for prevention and treatment of diseases of respiratory tract and tuberculosis in complex with antitubercular medicines.
Phemiprolen Femiprolenum
Suppositories are used as anti-inflammatory, reparative and analgetic medicine for treatment and prevention of proctitis, paraproctitis, anal fissures, hemorrhoid, inflammatory diseases in gynecology, perineal wounds.
Polenphen Polenfenum
Polenphen is used in complex therapy for treatment of inflammatory processes of prostate gland (prostatitis), and also inflammatory diseases of rectum (proctitis, paraproctitis, anal fissures, hemorrhoid).
Pollentar Pollentarum
Pollentar is used in complex therapy of stress, higher physical strain, in period of recovery after serious diseases.
Polenzim–D Polenzynum
Polenzim-D is applied for substitution therapy at the primary and secondary disaccharidase-deficiency, and also in a complex therapy of chronic enterocolotis, pancreatitis, hepatitis, holecystitis, gastroduodenitis in the setting of saved and hypoacidity acid-forming function of snomach.
Prolephen Prolefenum
Prolephen is recommended as a reparative medicine for wounds treatment, interfacial and deep burns (on the proliferation phase of burns), and also as an additional medicine for treatment of open skin-ulcers.
Prolidoxid Prolidoxydum
Prolidoxid is intended as a wound healing for treatment of foul wounds in 1st phase of wound process, inflammatory infiltrates, combustion, bed sores.
Propaskan Propascanum
Propaskan is recommended as a reparative medicine for wounds treatment, interfacial and deep burns (on the proliferation phase of burns), and also as an additional medicine for treatment of open skin-ulcers.
Propolis-LM Propolisum-LM
Propolis-LM is used for acute inflammation of the upper respiratory coronavirus cause, to reduce viscosity and improve the evacuation of the bronchial tubes (sputum, pus, etc.), diarrhea, enteritis.
Propoltin Propoltinum
Propoltin is used for therapy of gastroenterocolitis coronavirus etiology and peritonitis.
Propoltin-D Propoltinum-D
Propoltin-D is used in pediatric practice for the treatment of colitis, enteritis coronavirus etiology.
Propophen Propofenum
Propophen is recommended as an anti-inflammatory, reparative and analgetic medicine for treatment and prevention of proctitis, anal fissures, inflammatory gynecological diseases, and also for а persistent perineum wounds.
Proporinol Proporinolum
(Nose drops)
Proporinol is used for treatment of coryza, chronic, allergic rhinitises.
Propotid Propotidum
(Ear drops)
Medicine is intended for protection and treatment of external and media otitis, furuncles and mycotic lesions of external and media otitis.
Spirumel Spirumelum
Spirumel is used at the atrophy, nervous disorder, as a general tonic medicine at the serious diseases, stress.
Tonus-activ Tonus-activ
(homoeopathic granules)
Medicine is used in complex therapy for treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome.