Naboka Olga Ivanivna, Doctor of Biological Sciences (2009), Professor (2010), Professor of the Department of Biology, Honored Lecturer of the National University of Pharmacy (2016)
Address: City of Kharkiv, 12, Kulikovska Str.
Phone: (057) 7062342
Naboka Olga Ivanivna, born on May 20, 1966 in the City of Myronivka, Kyiv region). Graduated from the Kharkiv Pharmaceutical Institute (1990). Career: Laboratory Assistant (1983-1988), Senior Laboratory Assistant (1988-1995), Assistant (1995-1999), Associate Professor (1999-2010), Professor (2010-2012) of the Department of Biological Chemistry of the National University of Pharmacy, Head of the Department of Biology (2013-2014), Professor of the Department of Biology (from 2015), in the meantime — a Dean of the Medical-Pharmaceutical Faculty of the National University of Pharmacy (2004-2018), Dean of the Faculty of Medical and Pharmaceutical Technology (2019).
Personal Achievements
- Laureate of the Certificates of Merit and Diplomas awarded by the: Kharkiv Regional State Administration (2005, 2013, 2016, 2019), Kharkiv Mayor (2007), Kyivskyi District Council in the City of Kharkiv (2005), Ministry of Education of Ukraine (2007), Ministry of Health of Ukraine (2010), National University of Pharmacy (2004, 2009, 2013, 2016).
International Activity
- Member of the International Society for the Study of Xenobiotics (ISSX)
Scientific School
Naboka Olga Ivanivna had trained one PhD (Huari S.Z.), is a supervisor of a future PhD (Voronin Yu.V. and Melnik O.N.).
Publishing (major works)
- Filiptsova O.V., Naboka O.I. Parasites, pathogens and a human. Kharkiv: Striped printing house, 2016. – 212 p.
- Chernykh V.P., Vyshnevska L.I., Naboka O.I., Upyr L.V. Pharmaceutical Education in Germany, published by the National University of Pharmacy. ‒ 2007. – 275 p.
Textbooks, study guides
- Filiptsova O.V., Naboka O.I., Burlaka I.S. Biology. – NphU, Kharkiv, 2018. – 132 р. (study guide).
- Filiptsova O.V., Naboka O.I., Gazzawi-Rogozina L.V. Biology in applications. – Kharkiv, Poly-Art, 2017. – 116 p. (study guide).
- Voronina L.N., Voloshchenko M.V., Zagaiko A.L., Naboka O.I. et al. Biomolecules – pharmaceuticals. – Kharkiv, 2008. ‒ 188 p. (study guide).
- Tymoshenko O.P., Kravchenko V.M., Naboka O.I. et al. Clinical Biochemistry. ‒ Kh.: PH “Professional”, 2005. ‒ 288 p. (study guide).
- Desenko V.F., Zagaiko A.L., Kravchenko V.M., Naboka O.I. et al. Laboratory and seminars in Biological Chemistry‒ Kh.: Published by the National University of Pharmacy: Original, 2004. ‒ 384 p. (study guide classified by the MOH).
- Zagaiko A.L., Kravchenko V.M., Kravchenko A.B., Naboka O.I. et al. Biological chemistry. 2 edition, arranged and revised – Kh.: Published by the National University of Pharmacy: Original, 2004. ‒ 32 p. (Methodical recommendations and control tasks: for the extra-mural students).
- Savchenko L.G., Kravchenko V.M., Seniuk I.V., Naboka O.I. et al. Biological Chemistry: Laboratory practical work for the extra-mural students ‒ Kh.: Published by the National University of Pharmacy: Golden Pages, 2002. ‒ 96 p. (Laboratory practical work).
- Voronina L.M., Kravchenko V.M., Naboka O.I. et al. Biological Chemistry: ‒ Kh.: Published by the National University of Pharmacy, 2002. ‒ 96 p. (Method. recommendations for individual classroom and extracurricular work of 3rd year students of specialty “Pharmacy”).
- Voronina L.N., Kravchenko V.M., Filatova V.M., Naboka O.I. et al. Biological Chemistry. ‒ : Published by the National University of Pharmacy, 2001. ‒ 28 p. (Methodical recommendations and control tasks: for the extra-mural students).
- Voronina L.N., Filatova V.M., Naboka O.I. et al. Educational study guide on biological chemistry for students in the specialty 7.1.10202 «Technology of perfumery and cosmetics». ‒ : Published by the National University of Pharmacy, 2000. ‒ 206 p. (study guide).
Research activities
Author and co-author of over 200 scientific papers, 5 educational study guides, 2 monographs, 3 methodological recommendations, 1 laboratory workshop, 1 certificate of authorship, 3 newsletters and 10 patents. Hirsch index = 3.
Lecturer of the following subjects (in different years)
- Biology with the Basics of Genetics.
- Modern Issues of Molecular Biology.
- Cell Biology.
- Histology, Cytology and Embryology.
- Cell Biology.
- Biological Chemistry.
Social activities
Member of the Academic Board of the National University of Pharmacy, Member of the Rector’s Board of the National University of Pharmacy, Head for the sake of the Faculty of Medical and Pharmaceutical Technologies of the National University of Pharmacy, Member of the Central Methodological Board of the National University of Pharmacy, Member of the Approbation Board in the specialty 14.03.05 ‒ Pharmacology.