November 28, 2012, following NUPh publications came out:

Тіманюк В. О., Кайдаш М. В., Ромоданова Е. О.

Physical methods of analysis : Manual for students of higher schools; Фізичні методи аналізу

Х.: НФаУ: Золоті сторінки, 2012. – 192 с.

ISBN 978-966-615-405-0

ISBN 978-966-400-251-3

Формат 60х84/16


Рекомендовано Міністерством освіти і науки, молоді та спорту України
(лист № 1/11-5229 від 17.04.2012 р.)

The manual covers basic modern physical methods of analysis, which are essential in the professional activities of specialists in the field of pharmacy, medicine and biology, and contains all the necessary background information in accordance with the course of «Physical Methods of Analysis». Characteristic features of the manual are clear and consistent presentation of theoretical material, the list of comprehension questions and multiple-choice tests and problems, solutions of which are given at the end of the manual. The manual is intended for students of pharmaceutical and medical universities and schools, which are taught in English, as well as for those who wants to expand their knowledge and improve language skills in this area.

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