October 29-30, 2011, Press-conference of NUPh Rector Chernykh V.P. and Minenko V.L., director of Kharkiv regional employment center in the “Social crossroads” program on the “OTB” channel.

On October 29, 2011 on the “OTB” channel at 16:55 and October 30, 2011 at 10:40 in the “Social crossroads” program the press conference of the Rector of National University of Pharmacy Chernykh Valentin Petrovich and the director of Kharkov regional employment center Minenko Vladimir Leonidovich was held.

The program was dedicated to NUPh’s cooperation with the state employment service, in particular, with Kharkov regional employment center, on the issues of outreach and vocational guidance work with youth, its professional training and further employment.

 During the program Valentin Petrovich noted that “the need of present day is consolidation of the efforts of state employment service and higher educational establishments in questions of student employment. Higher educational establishments are aimed at training highly qualified specialists and help find proper assignment for professionalism and competence of each graduate. Kharkov regional employment center has a proactive attitude and helps NUPh solve this problem. Vocational guidance events that connect representatives of employment service, youth center, youth employment center, higher educational establishments and youth organizations are constantly carried out.

Job vacancies fair is an outreach event aimed at helping recent graduates to get their direction on a labor market. Besides this, it facilitates systematization of knowledge, essential for the successful professional start. NUPh students first have had an opportunity to familiarize with the work of Kharkov regional employment center, learn about ways of looking for a job, employers’ requirements, rules of behavior at the job interview, receive useful information about jobs of their dreams. Public reaction on the Job vacancies fair has exceeded all expectations. Importance and effectiveness of the event was appreciated by all participants without exceptions. Based on numerous feedbacks from students they have made a conclusion that in present day conditions the multiple-aspect approach to their life and destiny is important and with the help of such events they will be able to build their career.

The University is planning to continue the initiated undertaking, encouraging everybody to join the effective and mutually beneficial cooperation.

By the way, on September 22, the working meeting was held with the participation of 39 higher educational establishments. The participants discussed ways of interaction for assisting students in the sphere of professional growth, temporary employment, qualification upgrade, providing internship opportunities.

An important step in employment assistance is exchange of information about vacant job positions between Kharkov regional employment service and employment centers of higher educational establishments.”

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