Vice-rector, professor Inna Vladymyrova and university scientists took part in the information event ‘EU Career Boost: opportunities of the Horizon Europe Framework Program for young scientists’, which took place on August 8, 2024 with the support of the Horizon Europe Office in Ukraine together with the Council of young scientists at the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. The event was organized for domestic scientists, researchers and innovators who are interested in participating in Horizon Europe projects.
The program of the event included the following questions:
The Horizon Europe program as a catalyst for the research activity of young scientists:
- The Horizon Europe program as the EU’s flagship research and innovation program
- Success stories in the Horizon Europe Program – project HEOinUA–101132682
- Preparation for participation in the Horizon Europe Program: key documents for the development of successful project initiatives
Development of research skills and career growth of a young scientist:
- EU Funding & Tenders Portal master class
- A practical tour of the CORDIS, EURAXESS portals
- Competitions (open and those to be opened) under the Horizon Europe Program in directions I, II, III and WIDERA
- Missions of the Program and NEB (New European Bauhaus) – sustainable, inclusive and beautiful
At the end of the meeting, the event participants had the opportunity to take part in the Question-Answer session.