Kharkiv, 4, Valentynivska str., office 212
e-mail: psc@nuph.edu.ua
Welcome to the official page of the Psychological Service of the NUPh
If you face difficulties in studies, it is difficult for you to adapt to a new surrounding, you are lacking confidence, you have difficulties in communication with parents, teachers or friends and want to sort out your problems – we are waiting for you in the Psychological Service of the NUPh
Psychological Service works for students, faculty members, staff of the Departments, services, offices, units and laboratories of the National University of Pharmacy
Psychological Service of the NUPh is for you!
General information
Purpose of the Psychological Service of the NUPh – to provide available services in the sphere of practical psychology, to create healthful and harmonious development of all participants of the educational process, to shape professionally-oriented personality, able to create a personal strategy for professional life, while maintaining psychological health.
Objectives of the Psychological Service of the NUPh:
- to ensure high-quality and available psychological services for students, faculty members, parents and staff of the NUPh;
- to improve psychological culture of all participants of the educational process;
- psychological support for students and university employees in crisis and stressful situations;
- to promote full personal and professional development of students;
- to form psychic self-regulation skills.
Our psychologists
Candidate of Psychological Science (PhD), Associate Professor, practical psychologist of the highest category of the National University of Pharmacy
Graduated from H.S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University, specialty – teacher of Russian Language and Literature (1994), Institute of Postgraduate Education of H.S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University, specialty – practical psychologist (1996), defended Candidate’s (PhD) dissertation on topic “Psychological peculiarities of the development of professional communicative competence of future pharmacists” (Kyiv – 2010).
Areas of research
19.00.07 – Pedagogics and Age Psychology
Problems under study:
- personal problems (lack of confidence, complexes, fears, depression, etc.)
- interpersonal relationships
- adaptation problems
- professional self-determination
- employment
- psychosomatics, etc.
Approaches and techniques:
- Gestalt therapy
- humanistic psychotherapy
- cognitive psychotherapy