- III Scientific-practical Internet Conference with international participation “Pharmaceutical science and practice: problems, achievements, development prospects”
Responsible department: General pharmacy and drug safety IATPS
Phone: (057)732-27-98
Venue: Zakhysnykiv Ukrainy Street, 17
Date of the event: April 15-16, 2021
- International Scientific and Practical Distance Learning Conference “Modern Aspects of Medicinal Products Development”, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Department of Analytical Chemistry of NUPh
Responsible department: Analytical Chemistry and Analytical Toxicology Department
Phone: (0572) 67-94-24
Venue: Valentynivska Street, 4
Date of the event: April 16, 2021
- II Scientific and Practical Internet-Conference Topic: “Modern Trends in Human Health” dedicated to the memory of Prof. A.V. Peshkova
Responsible department: Physical education and health
Phone: (0572) 65-78-09
Venue: Valentynivska Street, 4
Date of the event: April 22-23, 2021
- V National scientific-practical Internet conference with international participation “Nanotechnology and nanomaterials in pharmacy and medicine”
Responsible department: Inorganic and Physical Chemistry Department
Phone: (0572)67-92-07
Venue: Valentynivska Street, 4
Date of the event: April 23, 2021
- III Scientific and Practical Conference of Students and Young Scientists with International Participation “From Experimental and Clinical Pathophysiology to the Achievements of Modern Medicine and Pharmacy”
Responsible department: Department of physiology and pathological physiology
Phone: (057) 706-30-66
Venue: Kulykivska Street, 12
Date of the event: May 12, 2021
- XIII scientific-practical Internet conference “Pharmacoeconomics in Ukraine: state and prospects of development”
Responsible department: Pharmaceutical management and marketing
Phone: (0572) 67-91-72
Venue: Valentynivska Street, 4
Date of the event: May 21, 2021
- XV Anniversary Scientific and Practical Conference with International Participation “Quality Management in Pharmacy”
Responsible department: Department of management, economics and quality assurance in pharmacy
Phone: 057) 771-81-47 Nevskyi Street, 18
Venue: Valentynivska Street, 4
Date of the event: May 25, 2021
- Scientific and practical conference with international participation dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the National University of Pharmacy
Responsible: Scientific Research and Educational Center, Educational and Scientific Institute of Applied Pharmacy
Phone: (057) 706-30-71
Venue: Kulykivska Street, 12
Date of the event: September 10, 2021
- International scientific-practical symposium “One hundred years of success and quality”, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the NUPh Pharmaceutical Chemistry Department
Responsible department: Pharmaceutical Chemistry Department
Phone: (096)0874468
Venue: Valentynivska Street, 4
Date of the event: September 10, 2021
- IX National Congress of Pharmacists of Ukraine
Responsible: Scientific Research and Educational Center, Educational and Scientific Institute of Applied Pharmacy
Phone: (057) 706-30-71
Venue: Kulykivska Street, 12
Date of the event: September 23-24, 2021
- VII International scientific-practical conference dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the Department of Social Pharmacy “Social Pharmacy: Status, Problems and Prospects”
Responsible department: Department of Social Pharmacy
Phone: (0572)67-91-81
Venue: Valentynivska Street, 4
Date of the event: September 23-24, 2021
- Scientific-practical Internet conference “University Library: historical experience and vectors of development”
Responsible: Scientific Library
Phone: (0572) 67-87-87
Venue: Valentynivska Street, 4
Date of the event: September 24, 2021
- Scientific and practical conference with international participation “Current issues in experimental and clinical biochemistry”
Responsible department: Department of biological chemistry
Phone: (057) 706-30-66
Venue: Kulykivska Street, 12
Date of the event: October 1, 2021
- Scientific-practical internet-conference with international participation “Current issues of pharmacology, clinical pharmacology and clinical pharmacy”
Responsible department: clinical pharmacology of IATPS
Phone: 057-732-89-53
Venue: Zakhysnykiv Ukrainy Street, 17
Date of the event: October 20-21, 2021
- IX Scientific and Practical Internet-Conference ” Current Problems in the Development of the Branch Economy and Logistics
Responsible department: Department of management, economics and quality assurance in pharmacy
Phone: (057) 771-81-47
Venue: Nevskyi Street, 18
Date of the event: October 28, 2021
- X Scientific-practical conference with international participation “Professional Management in Modern Market Development”
Responsible department: Department of management and public administration
Phone: (057) 771-81-68
Venue: Nevskyi Street, 18
Date of the event: November 1, 2021
- IX International Scientific and Practical Internet Conference “Modern Advances in Pharmaceutical Technology”
Responsible department: Department of Technologies of pharmaceutical preparations
Phone: 0503430295
Venue: Valentynivska Street, 4
Date of the event: November 5, 2021
- International Scientific and Practical Internet Conference “Technological and Biopharmaceutical Aspects of the Development of Medicines with Diverse Actions”.
Responsible department: Department of drugs technology, industrial technology of drugs
Phone: (0572)68-15-30
Venue: Valentynivska Street, 4
Date of the event: November 11-12, 2021
- IV Scientific and Practical Internet Conference “Mechanisms of Pathological Processes and Disease Development and their Pharmacological Correction”
Responsible department: Department of physiology and pathological physiology
Phone: (057) 706-30-66
Venue: Kulykivska Street, 12
Date of the event: November 18, 2021
- V International Scientific and Practical Internet-Conference “Theoretical and Practical Aspects of Medicinal Plant Research
Responsible department: Department of Botany
Phone: (0572)68-68-29
Venue: Valentynivska Street, 4
Date of the event: November 18-19, 2021