Teaching of pharmaceutical disciplines in the pre-revolutionary period

High professional level of teaching of pharmaceutical disciplines in the first half of the nineteenth century was achieved thanks to prominent scientists who worked at the university, first of all it concerns to professors F. I.Hyze, Y. S. Hordienko, J. M. Hromov, H.H.Korritari.

A significant place in the educational process was occupied by practical and laboratory classes since the 1860s. At that time the devices and preparations of the pharmaceutical laboratory became more commonly used for demonstration of experiments at the lectures of the medical faculty. Practical classes in pharmacy and pharmacognosy were held one hour per week. At the same time, students were divided into groups of 25 people, each of whom worked at certain time, as the training room of the laboratory was small.

In 1883 new “Rules for Testing Medical, Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Officials” were issued, according to which, in order to obtain the title of pharmacist’s assistant and pharmacist, it was necessary to listen to a two-year theoretical course of lectures on special disciplines and to pass a state exam. This system of training pharmacists has been existed until 1920.

S. Hordienko is the Head of the Department of Pharmaceutical Substance, Pharmacy and Medical Literature (1842 – 1859).

H.S. Ryndovskiy is the first head of the Department of Theoretical and Experimental Pharmacology (1859 – 1862).

Я. М.M. Hannot is the first head of the Department of Pharmacy and Pharmacognosy (1864 – 1884).

І. МI.M. Stankevych is the Head of the Department of Theoretical and Experimental Pharmacology (1863 – 1877).

L. Zaliesskyi is the Head of the Department of Theoretical and Experimental Pharmacology (1877 – 1893).

K. Rodzayevskyiis the Head of the Department of Pharmacology (1893 – 1894).

S.O.Popov is the Head of the Department of Pharmacology (1895 – 1912).

Y. Postoiev is the Head of the Department of Pharmacology (1912 – 1920).









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