Starting from 1860s, practical and laboratory trainings have taken a considerable place in the educational process. Instruments and preparations of pharmaceutical laboratory have become used more often for demonstration of experiments at lectures of Medicine Department as well.
An hour per a week was assigned for practical classes in pharmacy and pharmacognosy. Students were divided into groups of 25 persons, each group was working for a certain time as the classroom of the laboratory was of small size.
In 1883, new “Rules of examination of medical, veterinary and pharmaceutical officials” were established. According to these rules one could receive a title of pharmacist’s assistant and dispensing chemist after he had accomplished a theoretical course of lectures in special disciplines for two years and passed degree examination. Such preparation system for pharmacists remained valid till 1920.
Y. S. Gordienko, head of the Department of Medical Substance, Pharmacy and Medical Terminology (1842-1859).
G. S. Ryndovskyi, the first head of Departmant of theoretical and experimental pharmacology (1859-1862).
Y. M. Gannot, the first head Departmant of pharmacy and pharmacognosy (1864-1884).
I. M. Stankevych, head of Departmant of theoretical and experimental pharmacology (1863-1877).
M. L. Zalesskyi, head of Departmant of theoretical and experimental pharmacology (1877-1893).
D. K. Rodzayevskyi, head of Departmant of pharmacology (1893-1894).
S. O. Popov, head of Departmant of pharmacology (1895-1912).
Y. Y. Postoyev, head of Departmant of pharmacology (1912-1920).