Zaliubovskaya Olga Il’inichna

Zaliubovskaya  Olga  Il’inichna – Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor.

Department of clinical laboratory diagnostics.

Address: 12, Mel’nikova  Str., Kharkov

Tel.: 706-30-66

Autobiography. Zaliubovskaya was born  in Kharkov on the 2nd  January,  1966 in a family of scientists. Father, Zaliubovskiy Il’ya Ivanovich is a prominent scientist-physicist, laureate of the State Award, honoured citizen of Kharkov. Mother, Zaliubovskaya Natalia Petrovna is a Doctor of Biological Sciences, died in 1980.

In 1990 Olga graduated from  Kharkov medical institute by speciality “Medical care”. She worked as a doctor-internist and doctor-cardiologist. In 1992 she defended candidate’s dissertation and in 1997 she defended doctoral dissertation on the project “Efficiency of creation of hypoglycemic agentsand pain relievers in line of amide and hydrazide  derivatives of oxalic and succinic acid”. In 1999 she was awarded a  rank of associate professor and in 2002 she was awarded a rank of  professor. Since 2004 and till present time Zaliubovskaya is the head of the department of clinical laboratory diagnostics.

Scientific school. Supervised and prepared 2 candidates of medical sciences, has more than 100 scientific works, 7 copyright certificates and 2 patents.

Publishing activities.

Clinical laboratory diagnostics: methods of research: Study guide for students by specialty “Pharmacy”, “Clinical Pharmacy”, “Laboratory diagnostics” of Higher Education Institutions/ under the editorship of I. A. Zupanets – 3rd edition, revised and supplemented. –Kharkov: Publishing house of NUPh: Golden Pages, 2005. – 200 pages;

Clinical laboratory diagnostics: a course of lectures for students of pharmaceutical and Medical Higher Education Institutions. / O.I. Zaliubovskaya, O.N. Litvinova, I.V. Kireev, V.V. Zlenko,  L.V. Karabut –Kharkov: Publishing house of NUPh: Golden Pages, 2008. – 256 pages;

Clinical laboratory diagnostics: Study guide for students of Higher Education Institutions/ O.I. Zaliubovskaya, O.N. Litvinova, M.E. Berezniakova and others. –Kharkov: Publishing house of NUPh: Golden Pages, 2008. – 200 pages;

Fundamentals of pathological anatomy: Study guide for laboratory classes for students of  Higher Pharmaceutical  Education Institutions and pharmaceutical departments of Higher Medical Education Institution III-IV levels of accreditation/ Zaliubovskaya O.I,BerezniakovaM.E., Litvinova O.N. -Kharkov: Publishing house of NUPh: 2008. – 232 pages;

Teaching of disciplines: Clinical laboratory diagnostics, Laboratory and functional diagnostics, Laboratory diagnostics, Internal medicine, Surgery, Forensic medicine and History of medicine.

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