Dear faculty members, staff, graduates, students and friends of the National University of Pharmacy!
Our higher education institution has deep historical roots and well-formed corporate traditions. The names of prominent scientists, public figures, founders of scientific schools and organizers of the pharmaceutical business are associated with it. There were many achievements and discoveries in its walls.
Academic staff of the University maintains achievements of the Ukrainian pharmaceutical school but, at the same time, introduces the best achievements and innovations of the foreign industry-specific education in the educational process. That is why graduates of the National University of Pharmacy build a successful career both in our country and abroad – in Russia, USA, Australia, France, Germany and many other countries of the world. Many yesterday’s students of the NUPh became self-sufficient professionals who implemented the knowledge, gained while being a student, in the field of pharmacy and medicine, economics and management, and other areas.
Kharkiv Pharmaceutical Institute, Ukrainian Pharmaceutical Academy, National Pharmaceutical Academy of Ukraine, National University of Pharmacy. These are the stages of the University’s formation. This whole long-term path took a few lines in the text statement but lasted for more than two hundred years in the time dimension. If the KhPhI graduates comprised 300-500 specialists, then the NUPh confers Diplomas to 2.5-3 thousand graduates in the last years.
It is with them, former students, and now qualified specialists of the pharmaceutical industry, one of the largest traditions of the University – Jubilee Meetings of the NUPh graduates – is connected.