Student self-government is an independent public activity of the students on the implementation of university management functions.
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The Structure of the Student self-government of the National University of Pharmacy
Student self-government expresses the interests of the students studying at the university regardless of race, political, religious or other beliefs.
In their activities, student self-government bodies are guided by the current legislation of Ukraine, decisions of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, the Statute of the National University of Pharmacy and this Regulation
The Members of the Student self-government of the National University of Pharmacy and the representatives of the councils of the faculties form 10% of the elected representatives of the Academic Council of the University.
The goal of Student self-government is to create conditions for the self-realization of the students′ individualities and the formation of their organizational skills, leadership qualities, responsibility for the result of their work.
The activities of student self-government bodies are aimed at improving the educational process, improving its quality, ensuring the education of spirituality and culture of students, the growth of social activity in student youth.
Anastasiia RYZHUK is the Head of Stedent self-government
The main tasks of student self-government bodies are:
- protection of the students’ rights and interests;
- ensuring students fulfill their duties- facilitating educational, scientific and creative activities of the students;
- assistance in improving the living conditions and rest of the students;
- facilitating the creation of various student groups and associations;
- cooperation with student self-government bodies of other institutions of higher education;
- promotion of a healthy lifestyle;
- -involvement parliament and students in volunteering;
- -assistance to the university in carrying out all activities
Student self-government is based on the following principles:
- voluntariness, collegiality, legality and openness;
- equal and decisive participation of Student Self-Government members;
- activity, amateur and creative initiative;
- openness and publicity- democracy;
- humanization and establishment of partnership between the administration and students self-government, between faculty and student groups;
- the diversity of student self-government forms at all levels;
- accounting of students ‘individual interests and peculiarities;
The main functions of Student Self-Government are:
- protection and representation of students’ rights and interests;
- facilitating the public, social and professional self-realization of students,
- providing proposals for improving the quality of education, taking into account the students’ scientific and professional interests;
- organizing scientific, cultural, sports, health and other activities-provides the activities aimed at the increase of consciousness of students, their demands to the level of their knowledge, the education of patriotism;
- informing the students about the decisions of the administration concerning students;
- facilitating the cooperation and exchange of experience with students from other institutions of higher education and the youth organizations, including foreign and international.
The activity of the Parliament is divided into sectors:
- Volunteer Sector: Coordinates activities aimed at fostering active citizenship and promoting volunteerism within the student community.
Project Sector: Develops engaging projects to enhance student life and organizes online and offline events.
PR Sector: Promotes events across all social media platforms, develops the NFU brand, and works on designs and the brand book.
Scientific and Intellectual Activities Sector: Organizes online quizzes, intellectual games, and provides support in preparing for the KROK licensing exams.
External Relations Sector: Participates in inter-university events, collaborates with partner institutions, and engages external speakers and stakeholders.
Career Guidance Sector: Organizes career guidance activities.»
SCHEDULE of sports sections and creative studios of the cultural center of NUPh
On August 23, we celebrate a special holiday – the Day of the National Flag of Ukraine
On June 24, 2024, a meeting with the Rector ‘Student Self-Government: Spring 2024’ was held
On December 17, 2021, a literary club was held with the author Inessa Safonova
On December 17, 2021, the Speaking Club started
On December 3-05, 2021, NUPh students took part in the congress of the Ukrainian Student League
On December 3, 2021 NUPh visited the pupils of the municipal institution “Kharkiv special school № 8”
On December 2, 2021 the “Student Masquerade Ball” was held
On November 20, 2021, NUPh students took part in the II Forum of Youth Initiatives: Student Councils
On November 17, 2021, the Battle of the Faculties took place
On November 12, 2021, the winners of the first round of the All-Ukrainian competition program “The Best Student of Ukraine 2021” were awarded.
On November 9, 2021, the community of the National University of Pharmacy took part in writing a radio dictation
On November 4, 2021, a meeting of the departments responsible for educational work took place
On October 26-29, 2021, the vocational guidance camp “Pharm Camp” operated at NUPh
On October 12, 2021, a meeting of curators of academic groups took place
October 08, 2021 Team of NUPh “IZI – Pharm” in the XXI season of the KVК Youth League
October 7, 2021. Student self-government. Elections – 2021
On September 23, 2021, the Conference of Students, the highest body of student self-government, took place
On February 26, 2020, the second qualifying round of the Kharkiv Student League for the game “What? Where? When?” season 2019/2020 took place
On February 25, 2020, the charity marathon “Merry Maslenitsa ” took place in NUPh
On February 14, 2020, the NUPh hosted a festive disco “Me and You together!” for Valentine’s Day
On February 19, 2020, competitions in table tennis among students of NUPh faculties took place
On February 4 and 05, 2020, the rector of NUPh Alla Anatoliyivna Kotvitska met with 2nd year full-time students
On January 12, 2020, the scientific community and students of NUPh took part in the “Nativity Scene Fest – 2020”
On December 20, 2019, a grand meeting of the Academic Council took place
On December 16, 2019, the rector of NUPh Kotvitska A. A. met with first-year students
On December 12, 2019, a joint meeting of the Council of Young Scientists and the Student Scientific Society of NUPh took place
On December 5, 2019 NUPh held a creative meeting with the pupils of the sponsored “Kharkiv special educational complex № 8″
On April 15, 2018, students of the National University of Pharmacy visited the hospice for children with disabilities with chronic diseases, which operates on the basis of the Kharkiv City Children Hospital №5
On March 2, 2018, the event “Miss NUPh – 2018” took place in the night club “Bolero”