Building of KhPhI

Foundation of Pharmaceutical institute

In 1920s everyone felt hard aftereffects of severe political cataclysms: ruin, famine and diseases reigned. So, it is no wonder that new authority considered the necessity to restore and strengthen the system of medical support of the citizens as a Read more


In connection with so called “unification of pharmaceutical education” (1924), appropriateness of existing of higher educational pharmaceutical institutions was disputed. It was abolished according to Ukrainian professional education headquarters’ decree. The faculty was transferred to Kharkiv Pharmaceutical College (founded in 1922) Read more

The Restoration of the Institute

In 1944 the institute was re-evacuated to Kharkiv. The building in 12 Melnikova Street was half-destroyed.  The associate professor Y.G. Borysiuk was once again appointed as the director of the institute. During the years of war German occupants robbed and Read more

State Exam at the Military Department

Kharkiv Pharmaceutical Institute in 1950ties -1960ties

Throughout 1950-1960ties a powerful study and scientific potential had been actively created and material and technical base had been strengthened. In 1952, by the order of the Soviet of Ministers of the USSR, Military Pharmaceutical Department was founded (colonel V.G.Chornobryvyi Read more

Kharkiv pharmaceutical institution during 1970-1980s

According to the order of the Ministry of Healthcare of the USSR of November 2, 1972 as to “the Improvement of study and methodology work in medical institutes of higher education”, five cyclic methodological committees were created: pharmaceutical, physical and Read more

History of NUPh international education

Intensive education of foreign students in the former USSR began in the 60s due to the country’s increased authority, change of the political map of the world, growth of nationalist movement in the countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America Read more

Historical roots of NUPh

Initiation of higher pharmaceutical education in Kharkiv lands goes back to 1805 whenKharkiv Emperor University was founded. This year, Kharkiv academic Council of medical faculty gets the right to carry out experiments to get pharmaceutical title and gesel (pharmacist’s assistant), Read more