Throughout 1950-1960ties a powerful study and scientific potential had been actively created and material and technical base had been strengthened. In 1952, by the order of the Soviet of Ministers of the USSR, Military Pharmaceutical Department was founded (colonel V.G.Chornobryvyi was the founder) which initiated the tradition of military pharmacist training. Through the six years of existence there was 400 specialists trained for the armed forces of the country. Since 1956 the Pharmaceutical department integrated military medical department of Kharkiv Medical Institute.
In the year of1954, anew academic curriculum was introduced with the term of study of five years, which supposed 30 weeks of training: the practical one – at the drugstores, control and analysis laboratories, at the pharmaceutical factories, the studying one – at the field of drug plants gathering. An active scientific work was undertaken. Next year two doctoral theses and eleven master’s theses were prepared; 24 graduates of the KhPhI were enrolled for the post graduate course.

It was KhPhI that was honored to accept the delegates of the 1st Congress of pharmaceutical chemists of Ukraine which took place in Kharkiv from the 3rd till the 5th of April 1963. It summed up the achievements of pharmaceutical science and the industry, outlined the tasks on upgrading the medical supply of people.
Since the year of 1965 KhPhI begins to prepare the specialists of pharmacy for foreign countries, as well as specialists for Middle Asian republics of the USSR and Moldova. Young men and women from more than 50 countries of the world got the profession of pharmacist in KhPhI. In order to help in the issues of organization and development of pharmaceutical education and drug store business, some workers of the institutes of the country worked in some sister countries and the countries that had got independence.