Intensive education of foreign students in the former USSR began in the 60s due to the country’s increased authority, change of the political map of the world, growth of nationalist movement in the countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America and aspiration of the peoples which got free to develop economically independently.
First foreign students, who began studying at our higher education institution, we can consider to be the citizens of Greece – political emigrants, who came from the countries of socialistic commonwealth in 1959.
Since 1965 at the territory of the Soviet Union active training of foreign students by the specialty “pharmacy” was started. And Kharkov Pharmaceutical Institute, the first higher education institution of Ukraine, which accepted the first foreign student from Sudan became a flagship in this responsible matter. In 1970 already 16 students arrived to train in Kharkov Pharmaceutical Institute. From this moment the contingent of foreign students increased year by year and there arose a question about creation of the department for work with foreign students which was created already in 1974.
The main contingent of foreign students of NUPh early in 80s composed students from Africa: Tanzania, Kenya, Nigeria, Sudan, Zambia, Tunis and Uganda.
In those year students were accepted to the university by state line; education was paid for by the state and different public organizations: trade unions, Red Cross and Red Crescent Organization, Soviet Women Committee and Union for citizens of Africa, Asia and Latin America assistance.
In 1986 due to increased number of foreign students a new post was introduced – Vice-rector of international relations.
For the number of foreign students enhanced there appeared a tradition to assign fellow-countrymen communities to different departments. The work with such communities on students’ upbringing was held in the institute under the guidance of the International Friendship Union.
From the beginning of the 90s the contingent of foreign students changes gradually and more foreigners arrive to study from the countries of the Middle East.
For 45 years of work National University of Pharmacy accumulated great experience on training pharmacy specialists for countries of Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin America.
The peculiarity of recent years is the growth of students, who having started education in different higher education institutions of the world, decided to continue education exactly in NUPh.
The “geography” of students’ contingent expanded owing to new for NUPh countries, such as: Vietnam, Cyprus, USA, Portugal, Turkey, Greece, Spain and others.
Number of applicants from CIS countries (Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kirgizstan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan and Tajikistan) constantly increases.
In 2001 we worked out the program of English language form of education. For less than 10 years more than 100 teachers obtained special education and certificates giving them the right to train in English and they actively started enriching library funds with education literature in English language.
In 2001 there was created the International Relations Department with the aim of conducting of active professional orientation work because of growth of foreign students’ number in NUPh.
Since 2004 – 2005 education year foreign students got the right to obtain second higher education on contract base.
Nowadays NUPh is one of the leaders among Ukrainian higher education institutions according to the contingent of foreign students.
NUPh diploma is prestigious and is recognized in the world.
Educational programs correspond to world standards.