Baranova Inna Ivanovna, Doctor of Pharmacy, Professor, Head of Commodity Science Department
Address: 61168, Kharkiv, Valentinovskaya St, 4
Phone: + 380572- 65-16-96
Was born January 18, 1975 in Borisoglebsk. She graduated the Ukrainian Academy of Pharmacy in 1996 (speciality “Pharmacy”, qualification – pharmacist). From 1996 to 2012 worked at the Department of Cosmetology and fragrances, has gone the way from laboratory assistant to the professor of the department. She done postgraduate studies out of work. Under the guidance of prof. A. G. Bashura, Baranova I. I. defended PhD thesis “Development of content and technology of gel technology for the treatment of acne” in 2001.
From 2001 to 2004 – assistant, from 2004 – associate professor of Cosmetology and fragrances Department. From 2007 to 2011 was doing doctor’s degree thesis and defended it in 2011. Doctor’s degree thesis – “Theoretical and experimental justification of using modern gel formers natural and synthetic origin in the technology of soft medical cosmetics” (scientific adviser – prof. A. G. Bashura). Since 2012 – Head of the Department of Commodity science of NUPh, in the same year was awarded the title of professor of the Department of Commodity science.
Prof. I. I. Baranova is author and co-author of over 150 scientific articles and 18 patents. Scientific direction: the development of parapharmaceutical preparations of the local action (implemented: line of gels with Bаdyaga produced by “Euro Plus”, Dnepropetrovsk; foam detergents, produced by OOO “NVP Kosmolik” and OOO “PSRC “Alliance of beauty “, Kiev).
On the department is responsible for science. Department of Commodity science constantly develops international relations with foreign universities. Prof. I. I. Baranova was in NUPh delegation to share experiences in the Graduate School of Medicine (Sosnowiec, Poland), the Pharmaceutical Faculty of the Silesian Medical University (Katowice, Poland), the Pharmaceutical Faculty of the University of Comenius (Bratislava, Slovak Republic).
In November 2013 prof. I. I. Baranova participated in the international scientific-practical conference “Actual problems of science, education and production in the pharmacy” in Tashkent (Uzbekistan), and in July 2015 visited the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Barcelona with postgraduate student H. Zhuk.
Constantly improves the level of English.In 2014 held a practical course of English in Malta.
Constantly improving the level of English. In July 2015 with a graduate student E.V. Zhuk visited the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Barcelona (Spain), and in April 2017 with the assistant of the department Yu. A. Bespaloy took part in the LXXI International Scientific and Practical Conference of Students and Young Scientists “Actual Problems of Modern Medicine and Pharmacy 2017”, which was held in the Belarusian State Medical University (Minsk).
From 20 to 26 Sentember 2018 along with the assistant of professor Y. A. Bespalaya we took part in the XXI scientific Symposium “IGWT Sustainability, Quality and Innovation: a Global View of Commodity Sciences”, when was held in Italy (Rome – Gaeta).
In 2015 prof. Baranova I. I. was awarded the Gratitude of Chairman of the Kharkiv regional state administration for many years of productive work, high professionalism and considerable personal contribution to the medicine provision of the population of Kharkiv region and on the occasion of the Day of pharmaceutical worker.In 2016 was awarded the Certificate of honor of NUPh for the conscientious and successful work, professionalism and contribution to the development of the university, dedication and on the occasion of the professional holiday – Day of pharmaceutical worker.Staff of the department, which is headed by prof. Baranova I. I., was marked by the rector of NUPh in 2016 and became the winner in the nomination “The Best Department of the Faculty.”For the successful cooperation and assistance in the preparation and organization of the VIII National Congress of Pharmacists of Ukraine, staff and Head of the Department, prof. I. I. Baranova, were awarded the “Gratitude of NUPh”.
Social activity:
From 2014 – Chairperson of the Approbation council, specialty 15.00.01 – technology of drug, pharmacy organization of and judicial pharmacy; from 2015 – member of the Dissertation council D 64.605.02 at the National university of Pharmacy
Disciplines, that teaches Ph.D: lectures and laboratory classes for students of specialty “Pharmacy”, “Clinical pharmacy”, “Pharmaceutical and medical commodity science”, “Commodity science in the pharmaceutical company”.