Mamina Оlena Оleksandrivna – Doctor of pharmaceutical sciences, professor, professor of department of physical and colloid chemistry
Address of department: Kharkiv, Valentinovsky Street,4
Phone: (0572) 67-91-91, 67-98-38
Mamina Olena Oleksandrivna was born 4.10.1957 (Kharkiv). Graduated from Kharkiv pharmaceutical institute with distinction (1980). Defended candidate dissertation «Dissociation and solvation of formic, acetic and benzoic acids in mixtures water-ethyleneglycol in different temperatures» (1985); doctor dissertation «The elaboration and perfection of methods analysis of organic medicinal substances common investigation by conduct of legal – medical examinations» (2008).
Was working: assistant of toxicological chemistry department (1985-1989); senior science worker of toxicological chemistry department (1989-1991); assistant professor of toxicological chemistry department (1992-2003); assistant professor of pharmaceutical chemistry department (2011-2014), professor of department of fundamental and language training (2014-2016), professor of department of physical and colloid chemistry (since 2016 г.).
Record of service: 39 years teaching experience 34 year.
Awarded: Diplomas of NUPh (2002, 2009, 2012), badge of honor “Golden Book of Honor of the NUPh” (2010), diploma of KRSA (2017).
Scientific school: under the guidance of are protected 3 candidate theses.
Publishing: is the coauthor of 9 textbooks and lecture notes.
Scientific activity: has more than 200 scientific and teaching works, 7 patents, 9 newsletters and 5 methodical recommendations approved by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.
Directions of scientific research: chemical-toxicological analysis of pharmaceutical drugs of acidic and basic character in biological material, the development of physical and chemical methods of analysis of synthetic food dyes.
Subjects that teaches Mamina O.O.:carry out lectures and conducts laboratory and practical classes for students of 2 and 3 courses on the faculties of “Pharmacy”, “Biotechnology”, “Clinical Pharmacy” on the subject “Physical and Colloid Chemistry,” also teaches subject in English.
Conducted lectures and practical classes on toxicological chemistry, pharmaceutical chemistry and standardization of medicines and pharmaceutical Bromatology. Carried out lectures and practical classes on pharmaceutical chemistry and pharmaceutical Bromatology in English.
Social activities: is a member of the Board of approbation of NUPh (since 2018); was a member of the Commission on monitoring the implementation of decisions taken by the Academic Council (2010-2018); was acting deputy dean (1987-1992).