Severina Hanna Ivanivna

Severina Hanna Ivanivna

Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry of the National University of Pharmacy.

Address:  Kharkiv, Valentinivska street 4            

Теl.: +380505937345


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Scopus: Severina, Hanna

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Hanna Severina was born on August 19, 1983 in Cherkasy. In 2000, she graduated with honors from school №22 in Cherkassy and entered the National Pharmaceutical Academy, Faculty of Pharmacy. Starting from the 3rd year of studies at the University, Hanna was a member of the student scientific society of the department of pharmaceutical chemistry and, based on the results of research, defended her thesis on the topic ‘Synthesis of potential biologically active substances based on cyanoacetic acid benzylamide’. In 2005, she graduated from the National University of Pharmacy and was qualified as a pharmacist. Since 2005, she worked in pharmacy №183 in Kharkiv as a pharmacist-intern and a senior laboratory assistant at the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry. In 2006, she entered the postgraduate program of the National University of Pharmacy, Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry. During her postgraduate studies, Hanna was actively engaged in scientific research, which was awarded by a scholarship of the President of Ukraine for young scientists.

In 2010, Hanna Severina defended her candidate’s thesis on the specialty 15.00.02 – pharmaceutical chemistry and pharmacognosy on the topic ‘Synthesis, physicochemical properties and anticonvulsant activity of 3-amino- and 4-amino-3-mercapto-1,2,4-triazole derivatives and products of their chemical transformations’ under the supervision of Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor V. A. Georgiyants.

In December 2006, Hanna Severina began her teaching activities at the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry of the National University of Pharmacy as an assistant, and in September 2012 she received the academic title of Associate Professor of the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry.

From 2018 to 2020, she was a doctorate at the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry. On April 22, 2021, Hanna Severina defended the thesis for the degree of Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, specialty 15.00.02 – pharmaceutical chemistry and pharmacognosy on the topic ‘Synthesis and physicochemical characteristics of central nervous system agents among pyrimidine-4-one and pyrimidine-2(4)-tion derivatives’ under the consultation of Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor V. A. Georgiyants.

Social activities. From 2009 to 2013 Hanna Severina performed the duties of secretary of the State Examination Commission of the Faculty of Pharmacy and continued this activity from 2017 to 2019. Since 2022, she has become a member of the Academic Council of the National University of Pharmacy.

Scientific school.

Hanna Severina’s scientific direction is rational molecular design of biologically active substances among azaheterocycles based on a combination of traditional organic synthesis and innovative technologies of virtual screening, molecular docking, and QSAR analysis; development and validation of quality control methods for promising APIs.

Since 2021, Hanna Severina is the head of research at the National University of Pharmacy, which is being carried out at the expense of the state budget on the topic ‘Synthesis and research of new thienopyrimidines for the detection of antimicrobial and related types of pharmacological activity’ (Order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine dated 17.11.2020 No. 2651, term: 2021 -2023).

Under the supervision of Hanna Severina, a dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences (doctoral student Serhii Plys) and Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences (PhD student Wassim M. El Kayal) are performed.

Co-author of more than 120 scientific and educational works, including:

  • 42 scientific articles in specialized journals, of which 17 are indexed in the Scopus and Web of Science databases;
  • 12 scientific and methodical recommendations;
  • 16 patents of Ukraine;
  • 1 information letter about innovations in the area of health care;
  • more than 60 abstracts;
  • 5 training manuals with the seal of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, including 1 in English.


  1. Фармацевтична броматологія : навч. посіб. для студ. вищ. навч. закл. / В.А. Георгіянц, П.О. Безуглий, Н.В. Попова та ін. ; за заг. ред. В.А. Георгіянц. – Харків : НФаУ : Золоті сторінки, 2017. – 417 с.
  2. Фармацевтическая броматология : лекции / Н. В. Попова [и др.]. Н. В. Попова, П. А. Безуглый, В. А. Георгиянц, О. С. Головченко, Г. И. Северина, Г. П. Казаков, С. В. Ковалев, Д. А. Алферова – Х.: Изд-во НФаУ, 2015. – 160 с.
  3. Pharmaceutical bromatology : lectures for English-speaking students : the manual for students of higher schools / V. A. Georgiyants, P. O. Bezugly, G. O. Burian et al. ; edited by V. A. Georgiyants. – Kharkiv : NUPh : Golden pages, 2015. – 368 p.
  4. Збірник тестів з фармацевтичної хімії : навч. посіб. для студ. вищ. навч. закл. / П.О. Безуглий, В.А. Георгіянц, І.С. Гриценко та ін. – 2-ге вид. – Х. : НФаУ, 2015. – 304 с.
  5. Фармацевтическая броматология : учеб. пособ. для студ. высш. учеб. заведений / В. А. Георгиянц, П. А. Безуглый, А. И. Северина и др.; под общ. ред. проф. В. А. Георгиянц – Х. : НФаУ, 2014. – 376 с.


Methodical guidelines.

  1. Фaрмaцевтичнa броматологія: метoд. рек. для здобув. вищ. освіти освіт. прогр. «Фармація» / В.A. Геoргіянц, О.С. Головченко, О.В. Колісник, О.О. Михайленко, Л.О. Петрушова, Г.І. Северіна. – Харків : НФaУ, 2021. – 29 c.
  2. Pharmaceuitical bromatology: guidelines for applicants for higher education of professional program “Pharmacy” / V.A. Georgyants, O.S. Golovchenko, O.V. Kolisnyk , O.O. Mykhailenko, L.O. Petrushova, H.I. Severina – Kharkiv : NUPh, 2021. – 29 p.
  3. Фaрмaцевтическая броматология: метoд. рек. для соиск. высш. образования образ. прогр. «Фармация» / В.A. Геoргиянц, О.С. Головченко, Е.В. Колесник, О.А Михайленко., Л.А. Петрушова, А.И. Северина– Харьков : НФaУ, 2021. – 29 c.
  4. Методичні рекомендації з контролю якості лікарських засобів. Модуль «Лікарські засоби похідні гетероциклів, алкалоїдів, вуглеводів та вітамінів» / В. А. Георгіянц [та ін.] В. А. Георгіянц І. В. Українець,  Л. В. Сидоренко,  Н. Ю. Бевз,  О. В. Горохова,  В. О. Грудько,  Г.І. Северіна, Л. О. Петрушова,  Г. О. Бур’ян,  О. В. Бевз. – Х. : Вид-во НФаУ, 2018. – 67 с.
  5. Щоденник виробничої практики з фармацевтичної хімії / В.А. Георгіянц, П О. Безуглий, Г.О. Бур’ян, О.В. Колісник, Г.І. Северіна, А.І. Абу Шарк, В.В. Гриненко, І.А. Данилова; за заг. редакцією В.А. Георгіянц. – Харків : НФаУ, 2017. – 60с.
  6. Фармацевтическая броматология : лекции / Н. В. Попова [и др.]. Н. В. Попова, П. А. Безуглый, В. А. Георгиянц, О. С. Головченко, Г. И. Северина, Г. П. Казаков, С. В. Ковалев, Д. А. Алферова – Х.: Изд-во НФаУ, 2015. – 160 с.
  7. Pharmaceutical bromatology lectures for english-speaking students / V.A. Georgiyants, P.O. Bezugly, G.O. Burian, A.I. Abu Sharkh, K.A. Taran, G.I. Severina, O.S. Golovchenko, Yu.S. Prokopenko, L.P. Savchenko, N.V. Popova; edited by V. A. Georgiyants. – Kharkiv : Publishing House of NPhAU, 2014. – 278 p.
  8. Программа, методические рекомендации и контрольные задания по фармацевтической химии (для студентов факультета ступенчатого фармацевтического образования (заочного отделения) со сроками обучения – 4.5, 2.5, 2.0 года) / Георгиянц В.А., Безуглый П.А., Украинец И.В. и др.// Харьков: Изд-во НФаУ, 2012. – 79 с.
  9. Збірник тестів з фармацевтичної хімії / Алексєєва Л.М., Бевз Н.Ю., Гриненко В.В. та інші // Методические рекомендации. Харків: Вид-во НФаУ, 2012. – 415 с.
  10. Тонкослойная хроматография в анализе синтетических пищевых красителей в продуктах питания / П.А. Безуглый, Е.А. Мамина, В.А. Георгиянц и др.// Методические рекомендации. Харьков: Изд-во НФаУ, 2012. – 23 с.
  11. Анализ антибиотиков в пищевых продуктах методом высокоэффективной жидкостной хроматографии / П.А. Безуглый, Е.А. Мамина, В.А. Георгиянц и др.// Методические рекомендации. Харьков: Изд-во НФаУ, 2012. – 21 с.
  12. Ответы к сборнику вопросов для самостоятельной работы студентов по фармацевтической химии (для подготовки к лицензионному экзамену «Крок-2» / Алексеева Л.М., Алексеева Т.В., Бевз Н.Ю. и другие // Учебное полсобие. Харьков: Изд-во НФаУ, 2012. – 96 с.


Articles in specialized foreign scientific journals (2016-2022).

  1. Ukrainets I., Burian A., Voloshchuk N., Taran I., Shishkina S., Severina H., Grinevich L., Sim G., Burian K., Georgiyants V. Design, synthesis and biological evaluation of novel N-alkyl-4-methyl-2,2-dioxo-1H-2λ6,1-benzothiazine-3-carboxamides as promising analgesics. Medicinal Chemistry. 2022. 19(2). P. 174-192.

  1. Shtrygol’ S., Zalevskyi S., Mishchenko M., Shtrygol D., Severina H., El Kayal W., Georgiyants V. Promising anticonvulsant N-[(2,4-dichlorophenyl) methyl]-2- (2,4-dioxo-1H-quinazolin-3-yl) acetamide: dose-dependent study and evaluation of anticonvulsant action spectrum in vivo and in silico. Čes. slov. Farm. 2022. 71. 224-233
  2. Vyshnevska L., Severina H.I., Prokopenko Y., Shmalko A. Molecular docking investigation of anti-inflammatory herbal compounds as potential LOX-5 and COX-2 inhibitors. 2022. 69(3). P. 733-744.
  3. El Kayal W., Severina H., Tsyvunin V., Zalevskyi S., Shtrygol’ S., Vlasov S., Golovchenko O., Kovalenko S., Georgiyants, V. Synthesis and anticonvulsant activity evaluation of n-[(2,4-dichlorophenyl)methyl]-2-(2,4-dioxo-1h-quinazolin-3-yl)acetamide novel 1-benzylsubstituted derivatives. ScienceRise: Pharmaceutical Science. 2022. 1(35). P. 58–69.
  4. Vlasov S.V., Severina H. I., Borysov O.V., Krolenko K.Y., Shynkarenko P.E., Saidov N.B., Vlasov V.S., Georgiyants V. A. Synthesis and Antimicrobial Evaluation of 2-(6-Imidazo[1,2-a]pyridin-2-yl-5-methyl-2,4-dioxo-3-phenyl-3,4-dihydrothieno[2,3-d]pyrimidin-1(2H)-yl)-N-arylacetamide Derivatives. 2022, no. 1: M1331.
  5. Vlasov S.V., Vlasova O.D., Severina H.I., Krolenko K.Y., Borysov O.V., Abu Sharkh A.I.M., Vlasov V.S, Georgiyants V.A. Design, Synthesis and In Vitro Antimicrobial Activity of 6-(1H-Benzimidazol-2-yl)-3,5-dimethyl-4-oxo-2-thio-3,4-dihydrothieno[2,3-d]pyrimidines. Scientia Pharmaceutica. 2021. 89(4). P. 49-64.
  6. Severina H. I., Gubar S.M., Bezruk I. V., Materiienko A. S., Ivanauskas L., Bunyatyan V.A., Kovalenko S.M., Scupa O. O., Georgiyants V.A. Development and validation of HPLC determination of related substances in a novel anticonvulsant agent epimedin. Research J. of Pharmcy and Technology. 14(6). P. 3223-1.
  7. Severina H. I., Skupa O.O., Voloshchuk N. I., Khairulin A. R., Georgiyants V. A. Design, synthesis, in vivo and in silico anticonvulsant activity studies of derivatives of 6-amino-4-hydroxy-2-thio-pyrimidine.. ACTA Pharmaceutica Sciencia. 2020. 58. 3. Р. 371-393.
  8. Severina H.I., Skupa O.O., Voloshchuk N. I., Khairulin A. R., Georgiyants V. A. Synthesis, docking study, and pharmacological evaluation of S-acetamide derivatives of 4,6-dimethyl-2-thiopyrimidine as anticonvulsant agents. Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. 10. 07. Р. 001-008.
  9. Severina H. I., Georgiyants V.A., Kovalenko S. M., Avdeeva N. V., Yarcev A. I., Prohoda S. N. Molecular docking studies of N-substituted 4-methoxy-6-oxo-1-aryl-pyridazine-3-carboxamide derivatives as potential modulators of glutamate receptorsResearch Results in Pharmacology. 6(1). P. 69–82.
  10. Severina H., Bezruk I., Ivanauskas L., Georgiyants V. Development of hplc method for quantitative determination of Epimidin – new perspective АPhI with anticonvulsive activity. ScienceRise: Pharmaceutical Science. 2020. №3(25). Р. 4-11.
  11. Severina H., Voloshchuk N., Saidov N., Georgiyants V.. Design, synthesis, molecular docking and anticonvulsant evaluation of 6-methyl-2-arylaminopyrimidin-4(3H)-one. ScienceRise: Pharmaceutical Science. 2020. №2 (24). P. 9-17.
  12. Perekhoda L., Georgiyants V., Yeromina H., Drapak I., Lubenets V., Ieromina Z., Sych I., Severina H., Demchenko A.. The synthesis and in silico antihypertensive activity prognosis of new mannich bases containing the 1,2,4-triazole moiety. Chemistry & chemical technology.Vol. 14. №2. P. 214–220.
  13. Severina H.I., Skupa O.O., Voloshchuk N.I., Saidov N., Bunyatyan V.A., Kovalenko S.M., Georgiyants V.A.. Molecular docking, ADMET study and in vivo pharmacological research of N-(3,4-dimetoxyphenyl)-2-{[2-methyl-6-(pyridine-2-yl)-pyrimidin-4-yl]thio} acetamide as a promising anticonvulsant. Research Results in Pharmacology. №6(2). Р. 27–41.

  1. Bunyatyan N. D., Severina H. I., El Kayal W.M., Zalevskyi S. V., Shtrygol S. Yu., Abu Shark A., Tsyvunin V. V., Kompantsev D. V., Shevchenko A. M., Kovalenko S. N., Georgiyants V. A., Ogay M. A., Khadzhieva Z. J. Synthesis and anticonvulsant activity of new 2-(4-oxo-2-thioxo-1,4-dihydro-3(2H)quinazolinyl)acetamides. Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal. Vol. 54. № 1. 2020. P. 1-8.
  2. Severina H.I., Skupa O.O., Voloshchuk N.I., Suleiman M.M., Georgiyants V.A. Synthesis and anticonvulsant activity of 6-methyl-2-((2-oxo-2-arylethyl)thio)pyrimidin-4(3Н)-one derivatives and products of their cyclization. Pharmacia. Vol. 66. №3. P. 141-146.
  3. El Kayal W.M., Shtrygol S.Y., Zalevskyi S.V., Shark A.A., Tsyvunin V.V., Kovalenko S.M., Bunyatyan N.D., Perekhoda L.O., Severina H.I., Georgiyants V.A. Synthesis, in vivo and in silico anticonvulsant activity studies of new derivatives of 2-(2,4-dioxo-1,4-dihydroquinazolin-3(2H)-yl)acetamide. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. 2019. Vol. 180. P. 134-142.
  4. Severina Н., Skupa O., Khairulin A., Voloshchuk N., Georgiyants V. Synthesis and anticonvulsant activity of 6-methyl-2-thioxo-2,3-dihydropyrimidin-4(1H)-one acetamides. Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. Vol. 9(02). P. 012-019,
  5. Severina A.I., Kavraiskyi D.P., Kovalevska I.V., Shtrygol S.Yu., Ruban E.A., Georgiyants V.A. Dependence of anticonvulsant activity of 1-aryl-1, 5-dihydro-4H-pyrazole (3,4-d) pyrimidine-4-one derivatives on biopharmaceutical factors. International Journal of Basic & Clinical Pharmacology. 2017. Vol 6. № 7. P. 1552-1559. DOI:
  6. Severina A. I., Georgiyants V. А., Shtrygol S. Yu., Kavraiskyi D. P. Synthesis of N-substituted derivatives of 1-(4-methoxyphenyl)-1,5-dihydro-4H- pyrazolo[3,4-d]pyrimidin-4-one as potential anticonvulsants. Scripta scientifica pharmaceutica. 2016. Vol. 3. № 2. P. 36-40.
  7. Kushniruk V.M., Severina A.I., Georgiyants V.A. Standardization of the Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients Industrial Synthesis Technology. Acta Chim Pharm Indica. 2017. 7(2).  Р. 1-11


Articles in specialized scientific journals of Ukraine:

  1. Vlasov S. V., Borysov O. V., Severina H. I., Kovalenko S. M., Osolodchenko T. P., Vlasov V. S., Georgiyants V. A. The synthesis, antimicrobial activity and docking studies of 6-(1H-benzimidazol-2-yl)-5-methylthieno[2,3-d]pyrimidin 4(3H)-ones with acetamide and 1,2,4-oxadiazol-5-ylmethyl substituents. Журнал органічної та фармацевтичної хімії. 2021. Т. 19. 3(75). 15-20.
  2. Каврайський Д.П., Штриголь С.Ю., Георгіянц В.А., Северіна Г.І. Скринінгове дослідження нових похідних піразоло[3,4-d]піримідин-4-ону на проти судомну активність. Фармакологія та лікарська токсикологія. 2016. № 3(49). С. 16-27
  3. Д. П. Каврайський, С. Ю. Штриголь, В. А. Георгіянц, Г. І. Северіна Експериментальне вивчення спектру протисудомної активності нових похідних піразоло[3,4-D]піримідин-4-ону. Scientific Journal «ScienceRise: Pharmaceutical Science». №1(1). C. 10-17.
  4. Каврайський Д.П., Штриголь С.Ю., Цивунін В.В., Штриголь Д.В., Северіна Г.І., Георгіянц В.А. Перспективний антиконвульсант 1-(4-метоксифеніл)-5-{2- [4-(4-метоксифеніл)піперазин-1-іл]-2-оксоетил}-1,5-дигідро-4Н-піразоло[3,4-d]піридин-4-он має протизапальну та знеболювальну активність та позбавлений адиктивного потенціалу. Український журнал клiнiчної та лабораторної медицини. 2016. Т. 11, № 3. С. 52-62


Educational components taught by Doctor of Science Hanna Severina:

  • Pharmaceutical chemistry;
  • Standardization of medicines;
  • Pharmaceutical bromatology.


Hobby. Hanna is fond of playing tennis and skiing, and finds inspiration by traveling all over the world.

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