The ranking is composed based on the data of the previous (2015) year. 200 universities were ranked.

This year is the tenth edition of the ranking. Its technique is built in accordance with international principles of the ranking of universities and provides a comparative analysis of achievements of higher education institutions of different types on the basis of some universal criteria.

According to this method, activity of the universities is estimated using aggregate (integral index), which is formed on the basis of indicators of direct measurement (80%), expert assessment of the quality of training of graduates by representatives of employers and academic community (15%), as well using the international scientometric and webometric data (5%). Integral index is represented by three components: quality of scientific and pedagogical potential, quality of education, international recognition.

2024 р.

The rating is compiled according to the indicators of the previous (2023) year. 200 universities were estimated. The National University of Pharmacy ranked the 47th  place.

  • Among Kharkiv higher education institutions , the NUPh took  the 8th place.
  • Among the medical establishments of the higher education the NUPh took the 7nd place.

The full rating can be found at the link  

2023 р.

The rating is compiled according to the indicators of the previous (2022) year. 200 universities were estimated. The National University of Pharmacy ranked the 25th  place.

  • Among Kharkiv higher education institutions , the NUPh took  the 6th place.
  • Among the medical establishments of the higher education the NUPh took the 4nd place.

The full rating can be found at the link  

2022 р.

The rating is compiled according to the indicators of the previous (2021) year. 200 universities were estimated. The National University of Pharmacy ranked the 37th  place.

  • Among Kharkiv higher education institutions , the NUPh took  the 6th place.
  • Among the medical establishments of the higher education the NUPh took the 6nd place.

The full rating can be found at the link  


The full rating of previous years can be found at the link 


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