UDC 615.244:615.322:616.36-002:663.252.1 THE EFFECT OF GRAPE SEED EXTRACT ON THE HEPATIC PARENCHYMA OF THE RAT LIVER IN ACUTE CCl4-INDUCED HEPATITIS A.L.Zagayko, S.V.Zaika, O.A.Krasilnikova, Yu.B.Laryanovska

Under the influence of various pathological factors the activation of free radical processes occurs. In case of insufficient capacity of the antioxidant system or its damage, the alternating effects of free radicals, which are a prerequisite for development of many pathological conditions realize. The effect of the grape seed extract on the state of the hepatic parenchyma of animals has been studied. A gross disoders of the structure of the hepatic parenchyma was revealed in rats with hepatitis in a day after a single intragastric administration of carbon tetrachloride. The therapeutic and prophylactic administration of the grape seed extract improved the state of the hepatic parenchyma of animals. First of all, it concerned destructive manifestations and preservation of tissue hystoarchitectonics. In contrast, necrosis covered only certain groups of hepatocytes in animals from the group with acute hepatitis induced by CCl4 after the administration of the extract.Significant areas of the parenchyma retained characteristic pattern. The expressiveness of hepatoprotective action in acute CCl4-induced hepatitis the grape seed extract is slightly higher than the hepatoprotective effect of silibor.

Key words: grape seed extract;          histomorphologic indexes; liver

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