November 28, 2012, following NUPh publications came out:

Юдіна Ю. В., Шмирьова Ю. В., Степаненко С. В., Гладух Є. В., Чуєшов В. І., Січкар А. А., Безрукавий Є. А., Кухтенко О. С.

Industrial Drug Technology: Tutorial for Laboratory Classes for Students of Speciality “Pharmacy”; Промислова технологія ліків

Х.: НФаУ: Оригінал, 2012. – 454 с.

ISBN 978-966-615-417-3

ISBN 978-966-649-087-5

Формат 60х84/16

Оправа 2

Рекомендовано Міністерством освіти і науки, молоді та спорту України
(лист № 1/11-4110 від 27.03.2011 р.)

The questions of traditional medicines, industrial manufacture and the new generation of medicinal forms are considered. The information about classification, auxiliary substances, generally accepted manufacturing technologies, equipment and pharmaceutical industry trends of every medicinal form are described. The working principles of devices, machineries and automated lines used in production are characterized.

For students of higher pharmaceutical schools, technologists and pharmaceutical industry experts.

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