Krivoruchko Olena V.

Krivoruchko Olena Victorivna – Doctor of Pharmacy, Associate Professor Department of Pharmacognosy

Address: 61168, Valentynivska str., 4. Kharkiv, Ukraine

Phone: (0572) 679208



Krivoruchko Olena Victorivna was born on April 6, 1967 in the village Pesochin, Kharkiv region. In 1982, after completion of 8 classes of Kharkiv secondary school № 140 she has entered the Kharkiv Medical School № 2, which has graduated with honors in 1985. During studying in medical school she worked as a junior nurse in Kharkiv municipal child’s clinic № 12, and after completion – as a nurse in Kharkiv municipal clinic № 11. In 1986 she has entered the Kharkiv Pharmaceutical Institute, which graduated with honors in 1992 on speciality “Pharmacy” and acquired the qualification of a pharmacist. She worked as a senior laboratory assistant of the Department of Pharmacognosy of Kharkov Pharmaceutical Institute (from 30.10.1992, the – Ukrainian Academy of Pharmacy). In 1992 she has entered the graduate school of the Department of Pharmacognosy of Ukrainian Pharmaceutical Academy and she has graduated it in 1995.

In 1996 she has defended PhD thesis on speciality 15.00.02 – “Pharmaceutical chemistry and pharmacognosy” on the topic “Pharmacognostic study of black currants” (scientific supervisor – prof. Kovalev V. N.). The thesis for the degree of Doctor of science in Pharmacy on a speciality 15.00.02 – “Pharmaceutical chemistry and pharmacognosy» on the topic “The pharmacognostic study of plants of Rosaceae and Cornaceae families as sources of herbal drugs” (scientific consultant – prof. Kovalev V. N.) has been defended in 2016.

From February to June 1993, and then from December 1995, she worked as an assistant of the Department of Pharmacognosy, from 1997 – associate professor of the Department of Pharmacognosy of Ukrainian Pharmaceutical Academy. She has been working as the associate professor of the Department of Pharmacognosy of the National University of Pharmacy since 1999.

Krivoruchko O. V. is a methodologist of the department of Pharmacognosy.

School of Science:

The main directions of scientific interests: pharmacognostic study of representatives of Grossulariaceae, Rosaceae, Cornaceae, Fucaceae and Dictyotaceae families as sources of medicines and the standardization of medicinal plants.

She supervises the implementation of PhD thesis, diploma and master’s works

She is the author and coauthor of more than 200 scientific and methodological works, including 1 textbook, 6 tutorials, 5 methodical recommendations, 1 informational letter, 10 patents, 4 monographs in the State Pharmacopoeia of Ukraine, 72 articles and 27 articles in Pharmaceutical Encyclopedia.

Hirsch index – 2.

She teaches disciplines “Pharmacognosy”, “Medicinal plants resource science”.


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