Foam formation sticks for veterinary using
Antisept-apy is used for prevention and treatment of endometritis at cattle.
Apiprost Apiprostum (Capsules)
Apiprost is applied at acute and chronic bacterial prostatitis in complex therapy with antibiotics, a chronic abacterial prostatitis, inflammatory chronic pelvic pain syndrome, noninflammatory chronic pelvic pain syndrome (prostatodynia), asymptomatic inflammatory prostatitis. Prevention of relapses of acute bacterial prostatitis and chronic abacterial prostatitis.
Artifleks Arthiflex (Cream of external use)
Medicine is used in therapy of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, accompanied by signs of inflammation, swelling and pain, degenerative-dystrophic changes in cartilage of joints and spine, reducing the mobility of the joints (osteoarthritis, low back pain and intervertebral Atropat).
Film–forming aerosol with phenolic hydrophobic medicine of propolis
Medicine if intended for prevention and treatment of radial affection of skin and mucous membrane in medical radiology.
(Medicinal plant collection)
Gastrolik is used in the therapy of spastic pain in the stomach and intestines, to normalize the function of the gastrointestinal tract.
Inphlarax is used in treating of septic wounds in 1st phase of wound process; postoperative complications (septic wounds, fistula, phlegmon, abscesses), prevention of pyogenesis of local and deep wounds; for prevention and treating of septic burn wounds; for treating of septic-inflammatory diseases of skin (pyodermia).
(Medicinal plant collection)
Medicine is used in complex therapy of disorders of the nervous system as a sedative for nervous anxiety, insomnia, stress, nervousness cardiovascular.
Phenolic hydrophobic medicine of Propolis
Praeparati propolis phenolici hydrophobic
Medicine is used as biologically active substance in technology of medicinal forms of factory and chemist’s preparation.
Phenolic hydrophilic medicine of Propolis
Praeparati propolis phenolici hydrophilici
Medicine is used as biologically active substance in technology of medicinal forms of factory and chemist’s preparation.
Pollenaza Pollenazum
Substance is used as a biologically active substance technology of medicinal forms of factory and chemist’s preparations.
Propolin Propolinum
“Propolin” it used for chronic diffuse diseases of a liver, functional disorders of the liver, functional disorders of the liver after therapy by antitubercular drugs and antibiotics, for alcoholic hepatopathies, for persistent hepatites, for hyperbilirubinemia with dyskinetic disorders, as well as a radioprotectant to treat stomach ulcers.
Tinctura propolisi
Propolis tincture is used as a wound-healing and anti-inflammatory agent with microtrauma and superficial lesions of the skin and mucous membranes, otitis media, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis, periodontal diseases, etc.
Propolis Propolisum
Propolis suppositories are recommended as anti-inflammatory, regenerative and analgesic agent for treatment and prevention of proctitis, anal fissures, inflammatory gynecological diseases, and nonhealing surgical wounds of the perineum.
Propomiks Gutta propomix
(Eye drops)
Medicine is used in penetrating and not penetrating wounds of the cornea, thermal and chemical burns of the conjunctiva and cornea of І – ІІІ, surface trauma and infectious keratitis, conjunctivitis, and as means to stimulate of regeneration processes after lamellar and penetrating keratoplasty.
Propomizol Propomizolum
Propomizol apply at sharp and chronic rhinitises, pharyngitises, laryngitises, chronic tonsillitises, sharp respiratory diseases.
Ravisol is used for treatment of atherosclerosis, vegetovascular dystonia (in a complex therapy). Headache, faintness; for a memory, for attention concentration, and also for systemic conditions. Medicine is used diluted. Before application of medicine and during a patient used standard hypo-cholecterinic diet. While application the hepatic function is checked.
(Medicinal plant collection)
Tonilik is used as a means of multivitamin at hypo-and avitaminosis, as a means of boosting the body’s resistance in infectious processes.
(Medicinal plant collection)
Medicine is used in complex therapy of inflammation of the bladder and kidney, kidney stones kidney function to normalize the urinary tract.
(Medicinal plant collection)
Medicine is used as a diuretic and cholagogue for prophylaxis in the complex therapy for the normalization of metabolism, particularly glucose and lipid, reduce appetite, to improve the functional condition of the gastrointestinal tract. Strengthen excretory function of the intestine.
(Medicinal plant collection)
Medicine is used in complex therapy of functional diseases of the digestive tract and as external application for inflammations of the mouth, gynecological and urological diseases (douching, lotions, etc.).