Pivnenko Gregory Prokopovich (1906-1997)

Rector of Kharkov Pharmaceutical Institute


Gregory Prokopovich Pivnenko was born in 1906 in the village of Trostyanets (now Sumy region). In 1929 he graduated from Kharkov Pharmaceutical Institute (KhPhI), then completed the postgraduate course. In 1940, Gregory Prokopovich was awarded the title of associate professor. In 1941-1946 he was in the Soviet Army. Since 1947 G.P.Pivnenko had been the head Technology formulations and herbal medicines Department (now – Department of Pharmacy-based Technology of Drugs) and simultaneously he held the position of Deputy Director of the Institute for research and educational work. Since 1975 he held the position of professor of the department, in 1976-1977 he headed the department of Industrial technology of drugs, and in 1978-1987 he worked as a professor-consultant.

He defended the dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences on the topic “Development and improvement of methods of preparation of some extemporaneous medicines and pharmaceuticals” in 1973, specialty 15.00.01. In 1975 he received the title of professor.

For many years he was a member of the editorial board of the “Pharmaceutical Journal,” the head of the Specialized Council of the Institute. Doctor of Pharmacy, professor, founder of the scientific school of engineers, G.P.Pivnenko was awarded the Patriotic War Medal of the IInd degree, Labor Red Banner, Red Star, “Honor Badge”, numerous medals, diploma of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet. He was the honorary member of the scientific community of Ukrainian pharmacist.

During the rectorship of Gregory Prokopovich in May 1960 at the KhPhI was opened Faculty of part-time education with an annual enrollment of 100 persons. During the existence of the Faculty (1960-1970) there were trained 670 pharmacists, pharmacy professionals. There continued the improvement of the structure and content of the full-time course. Under the new curriculum in 1965 was slightly shortened the term of studies (up to 4.5 years), into the training program was introduced educational practice: field – Botany and Propaedeutics – in pharmacies. Since the early 1960s at the Department of Botany was formed the ResearchSchool on microscopic analysis of plant material. In 1961 scientific communism was included in the curriculum. Since 1961 the course of Inorganic Chemistry was separated into independent department. Since the late 1960s at the Department of Microbiology was created a scientific school of microbiological screening. Department of Forensic (from 1965 – toxicological) Chemistry explores issues of forensic chemical analysis of strychnine and cytisine. In 1961 by the lecturers of the Department of Organization and Economics of Pharmacy was prepared first in Ukraine textbook on the subject.

Instant research and educational-methodical activity of the KhPhI staff under the leadership of Gregory Prokopovich allowed the institute to reach the forefront of national science. It’s no coincidence that in the walls KhPhI in April 1963 was held the first congress of pharmacists Ukraine, in 1964, by order of Higher Attestation Commission of the USSR Ministry of Education at the institute was approved by the Joint Scientific Council on the Defense of the theses for the degree of Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences. From 1962 to 1970 the employees of the institute defended 47 theses.

As rector G.P.Pivnenko did everything to ensure a high level of education and multifaceted research activities of the teaching and research staff of the institute that allowed KhPhI since 1965 to train specialists for foreign countries.

Over a period of 1961-1971 the Institute has trained 1367 specialists-pharmacists (full-time education) and 671 specialist pharmacists (correspondence course) and one graduate – Master of Pharmacy (Sudanese citizen).

Professor H.P.Pivnenko established a scientific school that was engaged in the study of the chemical composition of essential oils and fatty flora of Ukraine. Under his leadership were developed and improved methods of preparation of extemporaneous medicines and phytochemical medicines, were created scientific and methodological textbooks. H.P.Pivnenko developed three medications, two of which are produced by manufacturing enterprises. He is the author of 105 publications, including the textbook “The Pharmacy-based Technology of Drugs ” (1962), “Workshop on industrial technology of drugs and herbal medicines” (1968), “Workshop on pharmaceutical drug technology” (1964, 1972), “Guidance for laboratory studies of industrial technology ” and others. Gregory Prokopovich had a copyright certificate, trained five candidates of Pharmaceutical Sciences.

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