On May 27-31, 2024, NUPh employees took part in the academic mobility program Erasmus+ Staff Mobility for Teaching

Participation of NUPh employees in the academic mobility program Erasmus+ Staff Mobility for Teaching (May 27-31, 2024, Kaunas, Republic of Lithuania)
During May 27-31, 2024, associate professor of the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry , PhD Olha HOLOVCHENKO and assistant of the Department of Medicinal Chemistry  and Pharmaceutical Chemistry, PhD Olena BEVZ participated in the academic mobility program Erasmus+ Staff Mobility for Teaching, which took place in the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences (Kaunas, Republic of Lithuania) with the aim of exchanging best practices and experience.

During the academic mobility, the participants got to know the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, visited the pharmaceutical and medical faculties, got acquainted with the equipment and educational process of the departments of pharmaceutical chemistry, toxicological chemistry and drug technology. They took part in the events of the International Week, where more than 35 representatives of higher education institutions of European countries gathered to exchange experience and plan further cooperation in the educational and scientific areas.

In accordance with the program, the employees of the NUPh gave lectures to the students of the Faculty of Pharmacy of the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences on pharmaceutical chemistry and pharmaceutical bromatology.


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