Diffusion’ in education and best practices: acting rector of NUPh Alla Kotvitska took part in the 13th Pharmacy Summit of Ukraine-2023

On December 7, in the city of Kyiv, the Pharmacy Professional Association of Ukraine gathered guests and speakers for the traditional and one of the key events of the pharmaceutical calendar, the Pharmacy Summit of Ukraine.

This year, it was held for the 13th time and once again brought together domestic experts of the pharmaceutical sector of the healthcare field in all its diversity. There were educators, practitioners, representatives of the government and non-profit professional organizations, as well as information space workers.

Acting rector of NUPh Alla Kotvitska presented a report on the horizons of the possibilities of modern pharmaceutical education and their relevance to practical activities. It should be noted that the National University of Pharmacy thoroughly cooperates with employers. Such a powerful interaction aimed at a common result is the key to solving those problematic issues that reality always poses to the pharmaceutical community.

Therefore, fruitful dialogue during the summit made it possible to pay attention to the achievements of the pharmaceutical community and to find prospects for further development, including in the cooperation of educators and practitioners.


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